Youth Work

3 friends riding their dirt bikes near the river Working together and helping them to grow and develop is what Youth Work is all about. The work is based on a positive youth perspective, where meaningful leisure time, activities directed at young people and current affairs are the focus. A climate of trust and familiarity is built up, creating a direct link to young people allowing them to succeed or fail in a safe group environment. Youth work is devised and considered from the perspective of young people and is part of the municipal service network.

The activities are be carried out in accordance with the basic plan of youth work and in the spirit of professional ethics.

Overview of Youth Work (in Finnish)
Professional and ethical guidelines for Youth Work (in Finnish)

For more details regarding Youth Services, please contact the Youth Work Coordinator.

Contact Information

Youth Work Coordinator
Minna Rauas
p. 050 595 0044

Outreach Youth Worker
Tommi Järvinen
p. 050 465 9301

Starttipaja Workshop Director
Matti Heinämäki
p. 050 465 9750