
a picture of pier and a lake, surrounded by houses and forest

Zoning and Land Use Planning

The municipal council of Pälkäne has approved the Municipal Land Policy Program (in Finnish) as the guiding document for the municipality's land policy. The program includes the most important guidelines for municipal land development. For more details, please see the Pälkäne Planning Overview 2017 - 2018 (in Finnish).

The Regional Plan

The regional plan is an outline plan for the areas in the province. It contains a description of types of land use and the principles of urban development. The regional plan also details issues of national, provincial and regional significance for the use of areas.

The provincial plan guides municipalities in their zoning and town planning, and other areas of public administration.

The county council is responsible for drawing up a regional plan, for approval by the municipal council.

More information on the provincial plan can be found on the Pirkanmaa Provincial Plan 2040 website (in Finnish). 

General Formula

The general formula is a versatile zoning process. The general principles cover various areas: strategic plan, general plan and overall master plan. A detailed plan may, if desired, cover also the building rights, which is the basis for building permits. The current general formulas are mainly drafted by legal means, thus firmly guiding municipal decision-making.

A component-plan is a type of master plan that does not apply to the entire municipality, but has been devised for some specific municipal sector. Special themes dealing with the general formula can be used in each case, under various names, such as a "green" general formula, and these are used on a case-by-case basis. The municipality is responsible for designing the initial general formula. This internal formula is then approved by the municipal council. The common master plan for several municipalities is then approved by the joint body of the various municipalities, and then the Ministry of the Environment.

Zoning Plan

The zoning plan is the most detailed land use planning tool. It records the amount, location and quality of construction. The concept of the town plan was replaced in 2000, when the Land Use and Building Act came into effect. The town plans are approved by the municipal council.

It is the duty of the municipality to maintain an up-to-date combination of city plans, that is, an up-to-date plan. In Pälkäne, the town plans are in the municipal offices in Pälkäne, Aitoo and Luopioinen.

Lakeside and Waterfront Regulations

There are specific requirements for any changes to land use or building around beaches. The focus is on environmental and landscape values. In Pälkäne there are many beaches and waterfronts, and landowners are required to seek approval from the municipality regarding any changes in these areas.

When planning any beach or lake-side work, please follow and take into consideration the Pälkäne Municipality waterside guidelines (in Finnish)

Building Regulations

Building Regulations in Pälkäne (in Finnish) is an overview of the local building guidelines for the region.



Planning Officer