Library Services

Pälkäne's main library, "The Ark", is in Onkkaala, the town centre.a picture of pälkänes own library during the summer

There is also a library in Luopioinen, in Kirkonkylä, the town centre, and also lending stations in Aitoo, Laitikkala, Salmentaka ja Sappee.

Nepsy-lending is a system in our library, where we lend you family items that you need, like activity pillows or time timer- clocks.

The straight to door book is an service, which brings all the books you need straight to your door. If you cant visit the library, because of an illnes or because of something else limiting, the books you need will be delivered. just call 040 356 3661 with the books you want.

Notice! The opening and closing times and dates are not always the same in google and in our library.

In Luopioinen library, with your library card and PIN code, it is possible to use their self-service system on any day of the week, from 07:00 in the morning until 21:00 in the evenings, except on Saturday, when it closes at 17:00

Mobile library services are supplied by Padasjoki municipality and the City of Hämeenlinna. NB! The Padasjoki library service was suspended on 3.10.2018.

The Pälkäne Library is part of the PIKI network, liking all of Pirkanmaa's Libraries, and offering various web-based services - click on the PIKI icon below for more details.

The national site also offers services in English, including their great "Ask a librarian" service - again, click on the logo's below for more details.

The PIKI library system terms and conditions can be found here.

PIKI networks logo logo     ask librarian logo