Childcare Placements

a child drawing flowers with colored pencils

Early childhood education uses an electronic application, which is filled in online. The application is saved to the Early Childhood Information Management System, and the family is then contacted well before the commencement child care. 

Early childhood education can be applied throughout the year. The place for early childhood education should ideally be sought no later than four months before the child needs care. If there is a sudden change in family situation, such as new employment or a study place, it is still possible to apply for early childhood education, but this must be done at least two weeks before the child needs care.

For families who do not need a regular child care placement, we offer temporary care facilities in some of our early childhood education units. The child can have up to 5 calendar days per month. This service costs 15 € per day, regardless of the hours needed. This is a good option for a child who does not need a regular placement, but would benefit from occasional care, as well as participation in group activities with other children.

Temporary care is provided in all our units, if there is free space in one of the groups. Temporary care is only occasional, and it cannot be booked for more than a month at a time. Ask our early childhood education director, or one of the area managers, if you are in need of this facility. Participation in temporary care does not remove the home care allowance.

The application form for an Early Childhood Education placement can be found here (in Finnish)

You may also need to submit a "statement of income" using this form (in Finnish) so that the correct fees, if any, can be applied

For more information on applying for early childhood placement, please contact one of the following: 

Early Childhood Education Director
Juha Forsman
p. 0400 830 221

Early Childhood Education Area Manager
Jari Markkinen
p. 040 775 7031

Responsible for:
Aitoo Nursery School
Hermanni Nursery School - early childhood and pre-school education
Lumpeennuppu Nursery School
Luopioinen - pre-school education
Rautajärvi - group family daycare
Pikkuharju - Playgroup Club

Early Childhood Education Area Manager
Mika Pietilä
p. 040 529 7011

Responsible for:
Viirikukko Nursery School - early childhood and pre-school education
Kostian Koulu - pre-school education
Tuulenpesä - group family daycare
Harju - group family daycare
Laitikkala - group family daycare