School Social Worker and School Psychologist

Pälkäne High School Social Worker

The school social worker helps with the welfare of the pupils and the overall school community. However, the emphasis is on identifying and providing early intervention in school difficulties. Generally, the school social worker discusses issues that have come up with the students, and together they think and agree how to move forward and improve things.

In addition to group discussions, advice can also be given to help with personal issues such as stress with homework and social activities. If the support of the social worker is not enough, then parents and other members of the school system can also be invited to help and support the student.

A student can always contact the social worker first, even if they feel unsure about who to contact or what to do about an issue. Together they can then think about the matter, and decide who is best to help - the social worker or someone else. A parent or guardian can also contact the social worker directly if they are worried in any way about a student or their well-being.

Examples of issues which the social worker can help with:

  • the student has something weighing on their mind (being bullied, loneliness, friendship issues, etc)
  • there are problems at school (not wanting to come to school, difficulty in certain classes, etc)
  • issues at home (parents arguing, problems with siblings, mental health problems, alcohol or drug issues, etc)
  • leisure time is difficult or boring (needing new hobbies, alcohol or drug issues, etc)

Discussions with the social worker are of course confidential. However, when working with minors, the social worker also has to consider whether parents should be made aware of the issues under discussion.

This will however be discussed first with the student, and they will agree together how and what to tell the parents. The school social worker is obliged however to contact child protection services if they consider the student to be at risk and in need of protection. Even in this case, the social worker has a duty to make contact with the parents.

The school social worker is usually available at the school on Mondays and Tuesdays from 08:20 - 14:30, and Fridays from 08:20 - 12:00. The office is located on the third floor of the school. Students and parents can contact the school social worker directly through Wilma, phone, e-mail, or by coming to visit.

School Social Worker
Kirsi Andrejeff-Keränen
p. 0400 940 881

Pälkäne High School Psychologist

The school psychologist brings psychological knowledge and insight into the everyday life of students and supports the mental well-being of children and young people. They provide psychological services in Pälkäne for all children and young people, from preschool to high school. They are also one of the student welfare workers, and form part of the school multi-professional network. All discussions are confidential.

Students can visit the school psychologist for evaluation, support and discussion visits, for example to talk about emotional-life events, mental health issues and coping with stress. If necessary, the school psychologist can identify and examine the student's learning and working capabilities, and form a plan to support the student and help with school attendance. This may also involve parents and teachers.

Parents or a student may directly contact the school psychologist for assistance. A student can also be recommended for help by another school professional such as a teacher, school social worker or school nurse. The school psychologist will work with the parents only after discussion and agreement with the student.

The school psychologist is available in the on Mondays, and at other times by appointment.  The office of the school psychologist is located on the 1st floor, next to the office of the school nurse. There is also another office at the Pälkäne municipal building, so it is possible to arrange an appointment there, if needed. The school psychologist reached by phone, e-mail or through Wilma.

Acting School Psychologist
Tiia Hyttinen
p. 050 341 3989